This month we again hit the street with our tracts that we prepared and printed. We use these tracts to approach the people and straightway get on the topic of faith. Also, many that do not stop but receive the tract will still be left with a witness when they read the tract later on, which we hope and pray they will.
We are now regularly volunteering for “Stop Food Waste”. Things are also pointing to us possible getting involved in other projects in the community that might help us establish more friendships, and influence.
Top: Philip has been asked to be one of the ushers of the church. That means that he will help get everything ready before and after the service, as well as help to serve communion.
Middle: I was very touched to get “picked” by this little one. She came, stood in front of me, reached up her to say, “Please pick me up!” We enjoyed a nice tme of praise and worship together.
Bottom: As mentioned I am one of the translators. Here I am going over some last minute changes that the speaker brought to me shortly before the service.
We now run one weekly Bible study, a once a month Bible study, and when people randomly visit we also try to not miss the opportunity to share the Gospel. We also had a sweet Iranian family over for dinner and one of them presently receives our daily devotional.
Bottom: The four ladies in the photo are studying to become social workers. One of them asked if as part of their work they might come and interview us (as we were in the right age group bracket). It was a wonderful opportunity to tell them about our exciting lives serving the Lord, returning to Denmark and “starting over again”, etc.
We are blessed to not only be part of “Stop Food Waste” and thereby get to meet people and establish friendships. But we also attend the “Women’s Café”. (Philip from time to time when the events are open for all.) the photo above, where all were invited, a visitor from the commune addressed the challenge of young people and mobile phones...esp. for the younger ones. Another time the housing situation in our local area was discussed. The building a quite old and a lot of renovation is going on. That results in people being shuffled around as they have to evacuate the apartment for the renovation to take place. Many of these people are elderly, single mothers, etc. for whom this presents a number of challenges. Although language education is free for foreigners some still struggle with the language. Each time to club meets a certain subject will be addressed.
Before leaving South Africa about a year ago, we shipped some belongings. One box ended up weighing about one kilo too much. Because of that Denmark refused to handle it and it was returned. Here things have to be sorted within a deadline of two weeks, generally speaking, even if you are in communications with i.e. customs. So these two boxes were in the danger of being shipped back again. The Holy Spirit just prompted me one day after the deadline to say, “Boxes, I command you to come to me”. After that I though no more of it. A couple of hours later the doorbell rang, and there were our two boxes! Deliver right at our feet. The “came to us”! You usually have to collect! The person from the delivery place said, “I just “felt” that I should bring it to you”! Praise the Lord!
When arriving in Denmark we knew that we had to renew Philip’s Danish driver’s license which had expired during our stay in South Africa. Via the information that “we” had gathered we somehow expect it to present a challenge: Possibly having to pass a test, a doctor’s check up, etc. We booked a time at the commune to get properly informed about the right procedure for going about the renewal. To our great surprise the license was renewed on the spot and will arrive within 4-6 weeks. Exactly as Philip had prayed it would be!
Please pray with us for the Lord to provide us with a vehicle. There are often things that we are not able to partake in and/or things that utter dependence on public transport makes very cumbersome and expensive. Therefore having a vehicle would mean new-found freedom and ability.
We are also in need of a better printer. We bought the one we presently have at a greatly discounted price online shortly after we got here. We need it for printing the tracts, weekly Bible study notes, etc. It turns out that it is difficult and expensive to get ink for this printer. Therefore we are prying for a liquid ink printer which would be cheaper in use in the long run and the ink is easily accessible.
We thank you in advance for your prayers.
In closing we want to thank you for partnering with us in the ministry here. It is quite different from what we faced in South Africa and we are challenge to learn and adapt. For this reason we thank you for your prayers and support in every way! We would not be able to carry on without your backing!
Hebrews 6:10 “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labour of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister”.