First of all we want to THANK ALL OF YOU for your love, support and prayers. Together we have had another fruitful month of ministering the gospel truth to many, some of whom heard for the first time!
We are thankful for the doors the Lord has and is opening for us in the ministry and are aware that this is only the beginning. The possibilities are endless and we are trusting the Lord to lead and guide us step by step! Thank you for your continued prayers!
Every month we print and distribute gospel tracts to the people in the streets...sowing seeds! We do not always see immediate results (as in souls won) but we are expecting a harvest. Meanwhile we have more people signing up to our Whats-app Ministry.
Philip is continuing the Ukrainian ministry regularly printing gospel tracts in Ukrainian o(on one side) and Russian on the other. We are very thankful for google translate. Meanwhile we are continuing to pray for the Lord to raise up a person of peace to help bridge the language gap.
We are extremely thankful for the Lord trusting us to disciple K., a precious young lady.
We offered to celebrate her birthday at our place as she does not have any family around.
To our pleasant surprise she also asked to be baptized on her birthday.
She is growing stronger in her walk with the Lord day by day! Praise the Lord!
For the birthday celebration we had home-made moussaka prepared by Philip as requested by Kia.
Without prior communication the Lord had us get K. a Danish Bible, while her friend got her a case for carrying a Bible.
Only the Lord could have planned that so perfectly!
Her we are enjoying a nice coffee break during one of our many Bible studies/discipleship training session!
During the church weekend we had guest speakers from England doing most of the teaching. We also had opportunity to pray for each other and to be prayed for. Te lady seen below being prayed for also signed up to our daily devotionals.
Philip, as is his habit, followed the Lord’s leads and prayed for those he sensed were in need of the Lord’s healing touch!
And I had the privilege of being called on during two of our sessions to do running translations. It was a good challenge as I usually receive the text in advance, but I was told that it went quite well. Thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit always ready to assist!
The kids had lots of fun. One evening they had movie night lying on mattresses and bring along their pillow. They also had a professional popcorn machine! In the photo above their had fun games and competitions. Fun was had by all, big and small!
We all helped out on various duties. Here I helped set out the breakfast buffet and make coffee and tea. We were told that we were to bake buns for everyone (about 100 people) but were relieved that it turned out not to be so! They were just having fun watching our reaction. We tried to be brave, but it was obvious that we were very relieved when truth was told!
The dining room was beautiful with big “tree” giving the feel of sitting in a garden. Philip did such a great job at heading up the dish-washing team that he ended up being scheduled to do so three times in a row. Praise the Lord!
We also attended an information meeting as there is a big drug problem in the community, and in fact the whole country. Not only among the youth, but many adults have also fallen victim to this addiction. There are several categories of drugs but this evening opiates were discussed. It led to a heated discussion as some parents were blaming the authorities for not preventing drugs from being sold at the schools, others were blaming doctors for being careless with their prescriptions of drugs, etc. But all were given insight on what a big task the authorities face in curbing this problem as the drugs are also sold via certain apps that delete the messages within 24 hours and that the they are never delivered by the same person or the same mode of transport to the client and therefore making it extremely difficult to catch the sellers. It was also brought out how to look for signs of addiction and where to seek help. Please pray for us to reach the youth (who are especially vulnerable) with the gospel.
During one of our staff meetings we suggested that we needed to go deeper in the Word for those interested. The Lord had also spoken to a couple of other people about this and so the first Discipleship training course meeting was launched! The subject addressed was: Following Jesus! In the photo below Philip is praying for someone suffering from a car accident years ago.
We had an Encounter Meeting where we went for a “prayer walk” praying for our local community, claiming the land. Afterward we all met for hot chocolate and a type of Danish donuts called “aebleskiver”.
The lead pastor and his wife announced that the will be going on a three months leave. They have been heading up the church for 12 years and said they are in need of rest and refreshing. Our new pastor meanwhile is Benjamin, is the assistant pastor.
Lunch at the church. One of our favorite times for fellowshipping and getting to know each other better!
Besides the events listed here we also attended a staff meeting, held Bible studies in our home, added new subscribers to our daily devotionals, continued discipleship training, etc. We are happy to find a hunger for the Word and still feel there is much more for us to contribute. But we aim to follow the Lord step by step and go through the doors as He opens them. We also attended an Alpha meeting (foundational Christian teaching) but it was too far away so we decided to not keep going.
In closing we want to thank you for your love, prayers, support and encouragement. And to our partners we send an especially BIG THANK YOU! You are enabling us to carry on the ministry and any fruit we bear here is to your credit as well.
In closing we send much love and appreciation to all,