Newsletter September 2024


Newsletter September 2024


We now meet once a month to pray for our local area and the large foreign community here. There are many needy people and we are seeking the Lord for His wisdom and guidance.

We are reaching our local foreign community. We have to be very discreet and go slow, and can also not take or show too many photos. It is however very rewarding and we are learning along the way. Here we are walking a mother and her children back home as it is now getting dark early here. Our longest day is almost 20 hours long and the shortest only about 7 hours—which is also why we have light-saving hours starting again in about a month.


As mentioned earlier Philip has no gotten his ‘permanent” residency permit. It comes with several conditions, but if we are still here in five years and have kept the conditions he can get a permanent residence permit without the attached conditions. For that there is one condition and that is that he has passed a level 2 Danish test. Here he is studying at home. He gets 5 hours a week, and has been impression the teachers as a very good student!


We regularly print up gospel tracts to distribute during our times of outreach, The tract we are holding here is on the salvation message and how to be born again.

Our desire is that all may be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4) This month 3 people received the Lord while many more were left with the salvation message. We meet many foreigners here as well. Seeds are sown that we pray will spring up into everlasting life!



Every so often the church will host an evening dinner for new members. During this time the vision of the church is shared and we fellowship to get to know each other. This time a precious woman from Iran and her teeage son attended. They are very hungry for the Word and also attended a fellowship while in Iran.


We also attended a staff meeting. All staff members are responsible for an area of the church ministry. Philip and I were asked to head up the outreach, which we are very happy to do. During these meeting we pray over the work and are able to share our thoughts and suggestions. We shared that we see the need for a more in dept disciple training program. Thankfully our suggestion was taken and the first of such meetings will take place the 1st of October. There ill be teaching and group discussion! We look forward to attending and are expecting good fruit.


During the month of October there will be a church weekend, meaning that we will go to a venue located in another city (which happens to be the city where I lived for the 110 years I went to school. There will be guest speakers arriving from England and over 70m people have signed up this far. We will report more about this next month!



· Exciting reading! I don’t manage to read it every day, but today I did, and good for me!

· I like how the authors counts all the things –the blood of Jesus covers a lot-and lists the verses so I can find it.

· Thank you so much for this Word. We love understanding God’s Word!

· Amen. Sometimes it’s our choices that get us in trouble. We say, “God did this to me!” No, God is love and mercy no matter what. His anointing is always with us. He is a loving Father.

· God makes a way of escape. We just need to stay close to Him!

· I want to take this opportunity to thank you again, Rita, for the daily devotionals you faithfully send to me via WhatsApp in the mornings. It is always a blessing - and I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way.

· Thank you so much for all the messages. It means a lot to me. I usually read them in the morning.

· This text was spot on for me!

· You have no idea what these word mean to me. Thank you, have a blessed day!

· Thank you for not letting me go. I can see your faith is true and honest.

· Good morning. I just wanted to say thank you for praying for me to get a job. I started last week!

The above  are just a few of the many reactions we receive as feed-back from our Whats-App messages. Since arriving in Denmark we have had approximately 20 more people sign up — although not all from here. But our devotionals are reaching people all over the world in places such as the States, South Africa, Uganda, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, France, Holland, etc..

If you are reading this newsletter you are most likely partnering with our ministry and therefore and instrumental part in making it possible for us to reach out to so many different people of different nationalities, backgrounds, walks of life, etc. Thank you for the important part you play. Please pray for the Lord to add more people for us to minister to! Thank you!

TESTIMONIES: Philip has been praying for several people in the church. One who suffered from back pain experienced that the pain left, someone who was married and desired to have a baby was prayed for and one moth later she testified that she was pregnant. Someone else’s leg grew out. — We praise the Lord for all that He is doing!

IN SOUTH AFRICA: The contacts we established for food for fresh produce for the soup kitchens, milk, Weet-Bix, coffee — (the coffee is for various missionary centers) are still helping. We have friends in South Africa who continue to collect and distribute it! Our labors were not in vain! Praise the Lord.

We send much love and appreciation for your participation,      Philip and Rita    

Please remember our new details are as follows:


NordFyn's Bank Rita Olsen

Reg. #: 6869 Account #: 0001058710 BIC/SWIFT Code: NSBKDK21

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