Welcome dear ones to our news for the month of August. Without your support, love and encouragement this would not be possible! We thank you for your participation, and we do not cease to give thanks to God for His goodness!
NEWSLETTER CONTENTS 1 Women’s Day2 S.A. Harvester - Nomzamo and Sir Lowry’s Pass3 Reaching out in Nomzamo4 Essential Supplies5 Gracelife6 Vehicle update7 GB Bread/Pizza-bases8 Special supplies: Emily's Floor Completed and Appliances 9 Women’s Day blessings10 Meetings 1.WOMEN'S' DAY: We had a beautiful Women’s Day celebration. We were blessed with a visit from the wife of our lead pastor. She spoke on the subject of “Wholeness”. We also had a fun Bible quiz with prizes to be won.
A beautiful photo booth was set up and everyone enjoyed taking lots of photos .
At the end everyone enjoyed some delicious refreshments and a nice time of fellowship . 2. S.A. HARVESTER:
We are very thankful for the generous support of SA Harvester (via Lions). This is helping to sustain several kitchens in our area! The following photos show some of the deliveries and distribution. NOMZAO:
We take time to regularly reach out to the people in Nomzamo who come to the kitchen we are supporting there.Many souls have been led to the Lord and we are presently earnestly desiring a venue where we can gather and give more in depth teachings. Please pray with us for this urgent need. Thank you!
Each month we do shopping for two kitchens. The one in Nomzamo and the other in Sir Lowry’s Pass. Here we are seen delivering some supplies to both of these kitchens. We want to THANK each and everyone of you who assist us and help make this possible . THANK YOU VERY MUCH!NOMZAMO:
This month Philip taught on the subject of “Living as the Children of Light” from the book of Ephesians.
One of the many advantages of being part of the local church is the regular opportunity to receive support in the form of prayer—whether it be for health, upcoming exams, jobs, etc. Nothing is too hard for the Lord! We have some amazing testimony sharing times hearing about how the Lord came through!
We praise the Lord that for His goodness and provision. He cares for the WHOLE man, spirit, soul and BODY! And many look forward to coming there for a hot drink and a light breakfast snack. Praise the Lord! 6. VEHICLE REPAIRS:
Unfortunately we got caught up in some unrest in Nomzamo. We entered there not having kept the taxi strike in mind. A rock was hurled through our front window. Thankfully we were not injured and we got out safely as the Lord brought police escort...nevertheless we were not able to deliver the food we had come to bring. Furthermore, we also noticed the need for the alignment to get done, and are very thankful to you, our partners that we have been able to get both repairs done! Thank you!
We again want to highlight and thank the Lions for the weekly pizza-bases/bread pick-up. It is usually distributed between Sir Lowry’s Pass and Nomzamo.8. SPECIAL SUPPLIES:EMILY'S FLOOR:
The floor at Emily’s School has been finished. The final layer of cement was placed and the linoleum from before reapplied! Praise the Lord! APPLIANCES:
We give great thanks to the Lord that we this month were able to meet some requests for appliances for two families and an ECD center in Sir Lowry’s Pass. A front loader, top loader and a refrigerator. We thank our partners and the Lord for bringing in the needed funds! This makes a big difference to them!WOMEN'S' DAY BLESSINGS:SIR LOWRY'S PASS, GRACELIFE:
We are so grateful to be able to spread a little joy. The Lord provided the exact amount of delicious chocolate. We were able to bless our hard-working women volunteers in Gracelife church in Sir Lowry’s Pass. They often come early and stay late to offer their services with little or no reward.We were also able to bless the hard-working staff in Nomzamo who not only look after approximately 60 kids while also cooking for 1-200 (sometimes more) people that come to eat from their kitchen daily. 10. MEETINGS ATTENDED:LIONS' CLUB:
Once a month we attend a meeting with the Lions Club that we are part of.CHARIS MONTHLY HEALING SERVICE:
We have a dear friend who is presently fighting cancer, and so the last few months we have been attending Charis Healing Nights (also once a month). We always come away feeling stronger and more victorious!GRACELIFE'S ALL CAMPUSES MEETINGS;
This is where our swords are being sharpened and where we are challenged to stir up the gift that is within us. We have, and still are, receiving must training and input from our Gracelife church, And we are constantly being challenged to turn around and pass it on to the next person!In closing we want to THANK each and everyone of you from the bottom of our hearts for the vital part you play in our ministry. We are just a small piece of the puzzle and without our amazing teamwork with each of you this would not be possible.We pray that the Lord may bless each and everyone of you and your families and loved ones, and keep you from the the evil that is in the world.With love and appreciation, Philip and RitaIf you would like to know more or to become a partner please do not hesitate to contact us. CONTACT DETAILS! force4good.fvs@gmail.com PayPal: force4good.ministries@gmail.com or use the following link: Paypal.me/FVSa If you are new to our work and want to partner with us monthly, we invite you to contact us for further details. We look forward to hearing from you.