Dear Ones,
Following is a brief account of the month that passed. When we look
back we stand in awe of the Lord’s foresight and provision. He
never ceases to amaze us with Him goodness.
In the photo below I, Rita, shared a message on the love and
goodness of God. Using the chair as an illustration. I brought out
how just like the chair is a chair and is made of plastic and
offers a place of rest for whoever will receive it, so God is love
and goodness and offers rest for whoever will receive it as well.
It is not God that withholds from us. But if I think I am too
dirty, too unworthy or doubt that the chair can hold me I limit
myself and therefore, because of my way of thinking, will not be
able to receive from God. Just like it is not the chair forbidding
me to sit, it is likewise not God withholding from me. And I can
count on Him always being good and always being love. He said, I am
the Lord. I change not!

Here we are in one of our leadership meetings before the church

We were encouraged to love one another with a brotherly/sisterly
hug. Little did we know how long these hugs would have to last us!

Dancing and rejoicing in the Lord! "The joy of the Lord is
your strength" Nehemiah 8:10.

Matthew 28:19 Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the
Son and of the Holy Ghost!

Dividing into small groups where rather than being taught/told each
one is encouraged to discover truth for themselves based on the
Scriptures read -- encouraging personal revelation!

"Give us this day our daily bread" We thank the Lord for
our precious friends from the market you readily supply us with
fresh bread whenever they are able to do so.

A glimpse of some of our precious "Dream-Team" preparing
and buttering the bread. -- Always ready to tirelessly serve

Coffee, tea and freshly buttered bread -- a welcome breakfast
for most who arrived not having eaten. We never have leftovers!

We have been learning how to reach people more on a relational
basis in order to develop disciples, as opposed to preaching and
just getting quick converts that don’t go any further than that,
thinking that is all there is to it and not realizing that Jesus
offers freedom in this life if we continue in His Word!

We printed up a tract called COVID 19 based on Psalm 91. We all
decided to meet one hour earlier than usual before our Wednesday
night meeting. We spend about 45 minutes after which all (100)
tracts were gone and 30 souls had been led to the Lord. Although we
would like to ensure that they are all discipled, and not just won
through a quick prayer, we are nevertheless very relieved to know
that they are now in His hands. All the tracts had the address of
the school where we meet on Sundays along with an invitation and we
trust that the Lord will bring many of them along once we are
allowed to gather again.

The Lord and His foresight and goodness never ceases to amaze us.
The “highly sought after” (J) toilet paper was distributed in
abundance along with essential foods such as Weet-Bix, milk,
cooking oil, Dis-Chem supplies (Which seemed to be on hold for a long
time) etc, just shortly before the lock-down!

Mila's Angel -- Sir Lowry's Pass!

Joyce's Soup Kitchen -- Sir Lowry's Pass!

Sunshine Kids -- Sir Lowry's Pass!

In the photo above: Bright Stars, Nomzamo. Below: Emily’s Play
School, Sir Lowry’s Pass. The supplies were distributed around the
beginning of the moth while the schools were not yet closed!


Philip at the Weet-Bix factory collecting 14 boxes of Weet-Bix
being loaded here by a very helpful team!
SOup Kitchen, Sir Lowry's Pass!)

We are very thankful for the assistance of Woolworth’s who have
been extremely helpful and has helped alleviate the plight of many.
We have been issued permits to continue to collect during the


We also received a very precious load full of much needed supplies
from Dis-Chem. There seemed to be a long wait between this load and
the precious ones. But as seen below it brought great joy and
relief. And again it arrived at a perfect time. It was distributed
between several ECDs (Daycare centers).

Mila's Angels -- Sir Lowry's Pass!

And each month 100 liters of milk was distributed between Nomzamo
and Sir Lowry’s Pass. We have likewise been promised a permit to
continue this during the lockdown. The milk will be distributed to
individual families.

On the 26th, the day before the lockdown we brought as much food as
we could possibly spare from our cupboards to Sir Lowry’s Pass
village. We also bought 30 vouchers most of which were distributed
on the 26th (some a few days prior and some we still have on hand
for the following week/weeks. You are invaluable partners enabled
us to ensure to the best of our ability that everyone would start
out with full cupboards and reassurance that they are not alone.
That the Lord and we are there for them at all times!


We stand in awe at the goodness of God. During these times while
most of the world has to tighten their belts and are anxious and
concerned for their ability to have their basic needs met, the Lord
turned around and blessed us above and beyond our expectations!
This double cabin bakkie was donated to us completely free of
charge, but not only that, it was also brought through road worthy,
all the paperwork was sorted, etc. before it was given to us. The
owner has opted to remain anonymous, but we know that the Lord
knows and that our prayers of extra blessings and favor to be
bestowed upon him will be heard!

We have long been desiring to offer a comfortable ride to those we
often need to help transport from place to place. Being finally
able to do so is a great joy to us!
Michalitsis, FNB, Branch: 200912 Account no. : 62633037082
Olsen, NedBank, Branch Code: 114145 Account no.: 1043639810
For those of you that are abroad and would like to contribute
please be aware that besides PayPal there is also the SEPA option
as we have an account in Europe:
DK28 3000 3719 9434 70
And if
you are new to our work and would like to partner with us on a
monthly basis we invite you to please contact us for further
details. We look forward to hearing from you!
Our mailing address