Dear Ones,
Thank you so much for partnering with Force4Good and for the long ways we have come together. Time is literally flying and we are again already on the verge of a new Christmas season, which we pray will again be very special.
For those of you who would once again (or maybe for the first time?) like to join us in spreading some Christmas cheer, we welcome you!
Christmas is a time of giving. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life!" That is the greatest giving of all, to give your life that others may live!
This Christmas we would again like to honor the Lord's birthday by doing what He cares about most of all....reaching out to those in need. If you would like to be part please read on to see what some of our present needs are.
We thank you in advance for your time, interest and contributions. May you and your families be richly blessed!
"Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
With much love and appreciation,
Philip and Rita
Philip: 074 165 75 70
Rita: 072 134 27 31

Part of our joy at this season is help ensure that everyone’s hearts and spirits are lifted and encouraged. We would like to prepare a feast for the less fortunate. For that we would need the following:
10 kg mince
20 kg quarter chicken legs
50 kg potatoes
12 heads of cabbage
15 kg carrots
20 kg onions
20 kg rice
20 kg pasta
5 liter tomato sauce
5 kg mayonnaise
5 liters cooking oil
40 liters juice
PS: You can help by either providing some of the above items or finances towards it. Thank you!


Assisting needy single mothers and struggling families with Food Hampers has over the years become a Christmas tradition for us! People are now looking forward to it as it helps tie them over during the holiday season.
We would like to assist either with a voucher for Shoprite or Checkers, or an actual food hamper. Please feel free to contribute either way. We are aiming at providing to the value of + R 300 per voucher.
We hope to provide + 30 vouchers/ food hampers. If the Lord should lay it on your heart to contribute in this way please know that the fortunate families on the receiving end will be extremely thankful.
Or if you prefer to donate funds towards this you may do so to the following account specifying that the funds are for the Food Hamper Gift Cards and how many gift cards you would like to donate. Thank you so much:. Please use either one of the accounts listed below. You may also contribute without specifying and we will then channel the funds as needed.

Christmas is especially an exciting event for the children, which they anticipate with lots of hope and excitement. For this reason we like to contribute towards meeting some of these expectations. For the past many years we have sought to help ECD centers (Early Childhood Development centers).
We are aiming to help provide special treats for the groups to enjoy on the day of their Christmas celebration. + 350 children.
Some suggestions are:
And/or the like!
..or again funds specifically designated for the children’s Christmas.
Thank you!
We are active all year round finding ways to help and ease the plight of the underprivileged.
Some of the ways we go about this is:
· Helping to improve living conditions
· Bringing supplies: food, clothing, etc.
· Educational materials for ECD centers.
· Preaching the Gospel and establishing new believers in the faith.
· Teaching Charis online Bible school and Study Guides weekly.
· And we now have a very recent brand new Gracelife church plant in Sir Lowry’s Pass with Gracelife!
Please contact us for more information. TY!
(See contact details on the following page:)
Banking details are as follows:
Rita Olsen, NedBank,
Branch Code: 11414500
Account no.: 1043639810
Antonios Michalitsis, FNB, Branch: 250655
Account no. : 62633037082
PayPal: force4good.ministries@gmail.com
For those of you that are abroad and would like to contribute please be aware that besides PayPal there is also the SEPA option as we have an account in Europe:
Rita Olsen
Danske Bank
Branch: 1551
Account: 3719943470
IBAN DK28 3000 3719 9434 70