Newsletter June 2018


First of all a big THANK you to all of our friends, partners and supports! Our students (whom you are enabling us to continue to minister to via your financial contributions) are growing and making great progress. They have now passed their first 2 tests (after 16 lessons) and we are proud to say that ALL PASSED! The truth will set you free and they are not the same as when we first began this journey together! Every time we meet we provide a hot drink and when possible a small snack to go with it. The ladies are now f their own initiative bringing snacks from time to time and each time it happened to be on a day when we had not been able to do so. Here in the photo below we were serving hot soup with chicken and vegetables cooked by Philip) as well as cheese crackers, tea and coffee).  The days of the test we try to offer an extra comfort, such as hot soup!


We now run the Bible School program as well as 3 Life Groups (study groups) a week. In the photo above the group that is studying about the ‘Believer’s Authority’  are watching a documentary by Robert Liardon about God’s generals, and are being inspired and impressed by what God can do through anyone who will just believe and yield their all to Him.
Once a week Philip and I teach in two different locations. In the photo below is a picture of the group Philip is working with, singing and praising the Lord. This group is a mixture of advanced and new students (started out being for the advanced, but the Lord added new students, which we are very thankful for.
The other group, which I Rita teach, are all brand new students that are presently being taught the very basics in combination with a basic Bible Survey course in order to give more insight and understanding of the Bible while at the same time teaching how it related to us toady and why it is important for us have a right understanding of the different covenants, etc.
Once a week we also have training program for the potential leaders, servants of all. To equip them to carry on and gain insight to what it entails to carry responsibility.

One of our groups caught in action while praising the Lord!


In the picture above Philip assisted Emily, who runs a Play School in Sir Lowry’s Pass, to collect food from one of her contacts. This was an especially big load. As seen Emily has a team of helpers that come to help divide the food—a portion is set aside for the daycare, and what is extra is divide and distributed to some of the most needy families in the village. It is not uncommon to see long quest outside her place waiting for these much treasured hand-out.
In the photo below we are collecting food for Joyce’s soup kitchen, also located in Sir Lowry’s Pass. This is a twice weekly pick-up and naturally everything is greatly treasured as there is an especially great need during the winter months where jobs for some are very scarce.
We are also very thankful to Ter from the Trumpet Tree who has been faithfully helping us over the years enabling us to assist people with food hampers for five of the neediest families in our circle. There are many grandmothers caring for their grandchildren with little or no help and many single mothers who also struggle to make ends meet. Thankfully together we are able to make a difference, if not to all at least to many. Meanwhile we also seek to equip them to believe for their own needs by aligning themselves with the Word of God and His many blessings!


This month we again distributed milk to various day cares such as: Bright Stars Nomzano, seen above. Sunshine Kids, Sir Lowry’s Pass, seen directly below here, Mila's Angels seen below Sunshine.
as well as to Emily’s Play School in Sir Lowry’s Pass!


This month four roof repairs were done: Emily’s house, The soup kitchen, M’s house, and K.’s house. Furthermore a gutter was put on Sandre’s house as the neighbor was getting all the water from the heavy rainfall right unto his property. We are thankful for Wayne who helped us get the work done, and for the heavy rainfall. We are thankful that it has now been officially announced that there is no danger of day zero (where some taps may be turned off) for either 2018 or 2019. However it was also announced that the drought is not broken and that the city of Cape Town remains on level 6B water restrictions!

Another wonderful newsflash is that Emily, one of our students, while in hospital led several people to the Lord, and already has some people signed up to study through Rooted a basic discipleship course with her. It is wonderful to see our student gain strength and begin to not only have their own needs met, but also being able to minister to others. Praise God for His grace and life-giving flow!


 In closing we want to send a big thank you to Wendy who personally knitted these beautiful scarves and the red jersey seen on the right. The little girls in the red jersey is the child of a single mother in Sir Lowry’s Pass. –And it just so happens that red is the color to be worn to the school the little girl attends….couldn’t have been better!
Everyone was overjoyed! Who would have known!
The children seen in the photo above with the scarves (also knitted by Wendy) are from families with especially trying circumstances, and a little extra warmth every way...goes a long way for these little one.
In closing we also want to thank our church Gracelife for the wonderful leadership equipping sessions, power-packed Sunday services (everything being held together by the power of His Word Hebrews 1:3, and every service is jammed full of the Word and revelation. Our students are fortunate to be invited to partake of everything, and several of our students do, ourselves included!
We are blessed to be part of such a wonderful family, learning and growing together!

We love and appreciate each and everyone of you. Please know that you are in our prayers and do not hesitate to contact us if you'd like.